Natasha Barrett Masterclass

By Posted in - Senza categoria on Maggio 31st, 2023

Mercoledì 7 Giugno

  • Ore 11.00 – Conferenza Stampa ISAC-2023 (Sala dei Marmi
    Conservatorio “G.Rossini”)
  • Ore 14.30 – Masterclass I di Natasha Barrett (presso LEMS –
    Conservatorio G.Rossini)

Giovedì 8 Giugno

Ore 9.30 – Masterclass II di Natasha Barrett (presso LEMS –
Conservatorio G.Rossini)

Masterclass I:

Ambisonics Composition Beyond Technology

During the last 25 years the tools available for composers to work with 3D sound have progressed from being few, low resolution and difficult to use, to being ubiquitous, easy to use elements of both open source and commercial software. Yet if we are to sincerely explore our musical ideas and avoid being restrained by a generic template, we need to consider the composition of sound in space beyond technology. Only then can we understand how to construct and modify our technical toolbox for artistic aims. In this first masterclass I will trace the compositional process of a short two-part work that spans traditional acousmatic ideas and modern sound-worlds in Ambisonics space. I will illustrate how we can take advantage of simple Ambisonics techniques, and when we need to break away from them to explore and realise our musical ambitions.

Masterclass II:

Reconfiguring the Landscape: compositions encouraging engagement in our everyday outdoor sound experience.

In this second masterclass I will show parts of the Reconfiguring the Landscape project which investigated how 3-D electroacoustic composition and sound-art can evoke, and provoke, a new awareness of our everyday outdoor sound environments. The masterclass will provide insights into the works I will play in the concert, as well as delve into some of the outdoor, public space sounds installations that I have created in this project.


Compositrice che esplora nuove tecnologie e approcci sperimentali al suono in concerti, installazioni di arte sonora in spazi pubblici e musica multimediale interattiva, Natasha Barrett è rinomata a livello internazionale per la sua musica elettroacustica e acusmatica e per l’uso della tecnologia del suono 3D nella composizione. Il suo lavoro è commissionato ed eseguito in tutto il mondo e ha ricevuto oltre 20 premi internazionali tra cui il Nordic Council Music Prize, il Giga-Hertz Award (Germania), cinque primi premi e l’Euphonie D’Or ai Bourges International Electroacoustic Music Awards (Francia), due primi premi all’International Rostrum per la musica elettroacustica e più recentemente il Thomas Seelig Fixed Media Award per il 2023. Collabora con artisti, artisti visivi, architetti e scienziati, ed è attiva anche nella performance, nell’educazione e nella ricerca.

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